If you're simply amending a live database, this isn't a problem. However, when you need statically define operations with database change management tools like Liquibase or Flyway, using raw SQL change scripts, then it becomes more arduous.
The problem resides around DDLs such as ALTER TABLE requiring non-dynamic strings - you can't use subqueries or variables. This makes it difficult to use with fixed SQL files.
I chose to introduce a Stored Proc to handle the task. This example is from Liquibase:
--changeset x:1 dbms:mysql splitStatements:false
CREATE PROCEDURE drop_unnamed_fk_constraint
IN tableName CHAR(100),
IN columnName CHAR(100),
IN refTableName CHAR(100)
SET @sql := (SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', table_name, ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ', constraint_name)
AND COLUMN_NAME = columnName
PREPARE drop_unnamed_fk_constraint_stmt FROM @sql;
EXECUTE drop_unnamed_fk_constraint_stmt;
DEALLOCATE PREPARE drop_unnamed_fk_constraint_stmt;
--changeset x:2 dbms:mysql
CALL drop_unnamed_fk_constraint('Table', 'column', 'ReferencedTable');
If you're also using H2 for testing, then you can emulate the Stored Procedure with a (less than delightful) user-defined function:
--changeset x:1 dbms:h2 splitStatements:false failOnError:false
CREATE ALIAS drop_unnamed_fk_constraint AS $$
void dropConstraint(Connection conn, String tableName, String columnName, String refTableName) throws Exception {
ResultSet rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " DROP FOREIGN KEY ', constraint_name) " +
"FROM information_schema.constraints " +
"WHERE table_name = '" + tableName.toUpperCase() + "' " +
"AND column_list = '" + columnName.toUpperCase() + "' " +
"AND constraint_type = 'REFERENTIAL' LIMIT 1");
Note that not all information_schema tables presently exist in H2, so I'm using constraints instead.
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Stuck control keys under Ubuntu
Encountering a "stuck key" condition - a key that's permanently active - can be highly frustrating. A control key permanently depressed can mean that mouse events behave improperly, such as the scrollwheel controlling zoom instead of page scroll, or left mouse clicks triggering right-click menus.
I occasionally encounter this condition on an Ubuntu configuration, which I expect is an artefact of Synergy usage, but don't have the time to debug.
To resolve this frustrating issue when it occurs, I use the following alias:
alias fixkeydown='DISPLAY=:0; for i in `seq 1 256`; do xdotool keyup $i; done; echo Done'
I occasionally encounter this condition on an Ubuntu configuration, which I expect is an artefact of Synergy usage, but don't have the time to debug.
To resolve this frustrating issue when it occurs, I use the following alias:
alias fixkeydown='DISPLAY=:0; for i in `seq 1 256`; do xdotool keyup $i; done; echo Done'
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